Scottish Genealogy Society Membership

Benefits of Membership

Once a member of the Scottish Genealogy Society you will have full access to the Library and all its holdings as well as have access to our online Members only area.

Our online members area gives members access to read all issues of the Scottish Genealogist, useful downloads and a searchable surname Cemetery Index.

Unlike most Libraries the Scottish Genealogy Society Library is run by a team of volunteers who will spend time helping members with their research. We have many volunteers with specialist knowledge.

Members will be able to access subscription sites Ancestry, Findmypast and The British Newspaper Archive from the library.  We are now an Affiliate Library for Family Search which you can also access when you visit our Library.

Currently the Scottish Genealogy Society Library is the only research library in Edinburgh open on a Saturday.

Members also receive a Journal "The Scottish Genealogist" four times a year and can opt to receive a monthly newsletter.

A programme of talks is organised from September to April (excluding December). In May an outing is arranged to a place of genealogical interest.  The talks can be attended in person or by zoom.

Most Societies who are members of the Scottish Association of Family History Societies (SAFHS) allow their members to do research in their libraries.  As such we welcome members from other Societies to visit us to do research.  Please remember to bring your relevant membership card when you visit us.

Membership Charges

UK Membership £20 single membership
£25 family membership
(with either of these memberships you can have The Scottish Genealogist in electronic form (pdf) or paper form)
Overseas Membership £20 with The Scottish Genealogist in electronic form (pdf) only
£25 with The Scottish Genealogist in paper form
Affiliate Membership £25 for Societies and other Organisations